being alone.
I come from a big family and we are typically always with each other, calling each other...
Sometimes we call just see what's new even though we called hour ago.
I find that the moments that serve me best, especially when I'm stressed or worked up about something are the times that I'm alone.
I love being able to just sit and reflect on myself, what's going on in my life and finding the best way to go about things.
I'm typically a person who would prefer to be alone anyway so it only makes sense I feel at balance then.
That's not to say I don't enjoy time with my family and my friends, because I do. I cherish moments with them, even the most insignificant ones that seem so pointless now but can get a good laugh out of me months later.
Anyway, point of the post is that I feel I am most at balance when I am alone. When I have time to myself to reflect and really analyze the situations at hand and myself thoroughly.
Time to sit in the comfort of my bed with no interruptions listening to my favorite music...what could be better?
If there are any TYPOS I'm sorry. I am extremely tired as I write this
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