Thursday, October 27, 2011

College hasn't killed me yet.

I'm alive, I'm alive, I'm alive!

It's been..who knows how long since I last updated on here and it's always on my mind to do so and I don't. I either forget or I'm too tired or tumblr has me caught in it's iron claws and i can't seem to break freak and thus, no blogger post. So much has happened since I last updated this thing. How do I know? Because I don't even remember when was the last time I wrote on here! :O The horror. YES, I know.

Between classes and sleeping and eating and eating healthy in order not to gain any further weight and's been an interesting ride.

My dorm room is a lovely little place I look forward to coming to at the end of every day and my bed is simply heavenly.  My walls are decorated and my roommate Kendall put up christmas lights and fall leaves and Pumpkins and it's a wonderful little holiday filled room and smells deliciously of cinnamon and spice.

Classes have proven to be both extremely tedious and difficult at the same time. Difficult not in the sense of work load...I feel as if I was being worked harder while I was in high school taking AP classes however the material covered while seemingly easy, especially in history is ridiculous to fully comprehend. I have never been a sucker for history. I'm not good with dates and my mine won't retain information. It's sad and embarrassing, yes, but  I wouldn't be able to tell you much about history.

I'm sorry if that was heartbreaking for you. No, you will not get a personal History lecture from me any time soon.

It's funny when you get into college and you don't really think about a lot of things. I remember hearing about how people shared their stories of being poor in college, struggling to make ends meet and having to give up their daily luxuries. It's happened to me. hahahhaha.

Case and Point. Halloween. I don't even have a halloween costume. I have ideas but I dont want to go and buy one seeing as I dont have money right now to go myself a corset to wear. THE TRAGEDY.

Also, another thing you don't think about is illness and how shitty it is when you're sick. I've had a cough for going on 6 weeks now. It won't go away.

No, I have not taken medication. Yes, I'm sure that is partly why. Yes, I know I need to do something about it.

My roommate was sick this weekend. It started sunday when she came into the neighbor's dorm room where I find myself to be often times and she was worried it was her appendix. After calming her down she decided against going to get help. Monday night at 12:45am Christina, Shannon and my self found ourselves in the ER waiting room as they admitted her in and kept her over night. While Shannon stayed with her in the room to keep her company Christina and I were on the road at 4am blasting KIIS FM on the freeway while we made our way back to the dorm to pick up pillows and some slippers for Kendall. It was an interesting night, sure. We weren't back home until 6am, dead on our feet.

It's funny how you worry about the people you live with. I worried plenty. I was nervous that I wouldn't be able to stand being around someone for so long being so used to being on my own. I needed alone time and there would be no way of getting that here. How would I take long showers? How could I even take a relaxing shower?

It's so funny how you adapt. I got extremely lucky. I have a great roommate who enjoys singing ridiculous songs with me at 1am and two neighbors who are utterly amazing.

It was there in the hospital waiting room at 5am that I think we all realized that we all were really lucky to have each other and made a vow to stick by each other. When you are in a new place on your own without your parents you need someone there to take care of you. To worry about you when you're sick and make sure you are doing okay. I've found that here and I couldn't have asked for more.

Yesterday  I donated blood. It was my third time and I felt pretty confident about it. It was Christina's first time and she was beyond nervous. By the time check-in was through and they checked out vitals and iron levels, she was denied but I was given the okay. Sweet Christina stood by me the entire time even when I was about to tear up as the needle went in and the bastards were far from gentle.

After gagging at the sight and then being threatened to be drenched by my blood spewing arm she sat with me at the 'resting table' where they offered us drinks and food to get our sugar levels up before leaving. I was fine at first and about 5 minutes in I was overcome but a horrible headache and dizziness and I was positive i was ready to throw up. My forehead got clammy and after having Christina call for help I was moved onto a bed to lie down with ice packs and she sat there until I felt better.

Awwww, I love you Christina! <3

Nothing too crazy has happend. I've had a good, safe time here at school and intend to keep it that way!
Unless you count root beer pong, which tastes like SHIT. 


p.s. I apologize for the man grammatical mistakes that might be in this post. I'm hardly taking enough time to review and write correctly. What a shame I am, I know.

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