okay other than the fact that I forgot my password and then lost all and entire motivation to BLOG...I'm back :]
Last time I blogged was probably... before spring break? after spring break?
TONS has happened. some bad and plenty good though so it's not ALL BAD.
I won't go into detail because it's been forever and going through everything that happened since then up until today would be extremely tedious and not to mention slightly hard to remember!
First off, this past Saturday, April 16th was Kevin's 7th birthday!
Ain't he a cutie? | | |
We had lots of fun at the boys' school carnival and then had a yummy BBQ/Dinner :]
Little Kevin..well...BIG Kevin now, took after me in his love for reading and it's super great to see how excited he gets when reads and makes a trip to the book store.
Brandon left for Science Camp this morning so we'll be missing him TONS.
I hope he has tons of fun with his friends and learns lots and lots!
My boys are getting so big *tear tear* hahaha
On another note, last night I was curling my hair and I lost my grip on the curling iron and burned the side of my palm. It stung so bad! You know that pain you get that's so bad but you know you can tough it out and it hurts but not enough to make you cry but you almost want to cry just because that seems like the logical thing to do?.... well. That's how it was.
not at ALL pleasant |
What Else...What Else...
- I went to Disneyland
- I saw the Adjustment Bureau
- I went to a Strawberry Farm and stuffed my face with delicious strawberries
- Started prom dress shopping! - I found it and then didn't get it and now I'm looking EVERYWHERE for it a.k.a. STRESS
I think that is really it for now...MAYBE.
oh! I met Elvis. hehehe