Monday, February 28, 2011


Seeing as it has been a couple days since I've posted anything remotely interesting, here it goes.

Acceptance # 2 came in the mail Saturday afternoon.

University of the Pacific

My top choice? No.
They invited me to apply but hey, options!

At least I'm not starting off with rejections right?
Saturday began early for me.

This is where I spare you all the wonderful  tales of the shopping I did and all the cute stuff I found.
*insert BLAH BLAH here*

After all the wonderful shopping was over and done with I got home and did the thing that would make the most sense- JUMP INTO BED. 
It was cut short when we unexpectedly realized we had unexpected visitors coming over. 

Before I go on let me say this:

I made myself an "oath", if you will, when I began this blog to be pretty honest about things.
Here We Go.

And it has nothing to do with who is coming, so please take no offense if you are one of these people and strangely have decided to read this.  Actually, not strange at all. Thank You For Reading!

Anywho. yes.  I HATE IT.  It drives me nuts. 

Would it seriously kill you to call... I don't know...A DAY BEFORE!? 

Oh Lordy. It kills me.  Between the rush of getting things ready and putting this there and that here and realizing my appearance is NOT at all ready for company...I somehow always get in trouble. HELLLLOOO. Not my fault they couldn't call!

Anyway. Rant Over. As I said before, this is not meant to offend anyone in particular, seeing as once they are there I seem to have a pretty good time. 

I would just like a heads up to shower!

Saturday also consisted of a quick stop to Olvera Street and a purchase of a bag full of Mexican Candy and stickers to decorate my laptop case (which I ADORE)

Sunday graced me with the Oscars and Steak with A1 sauce and if you know anything about know I LOVE A1 sauce. 


Monday was well...Monday. 
Not Good. Not Bad. 

Let's put it this way, I'm getting through it.

Tired, Sick of School, Hungry, yet still TRYING TO REMAIN POSITIVE.

Did I mention I need a job? GAH!

Good Night or should I say Morning?

I had all intentions of blogging tonight.

I hope you know.

But seeing as things took longer than I expected them to and I find myself with wet hair at 12:16 in the morning with still a couple things to do I'll hold off posting a REAL post  until tomorrow since I have PLENTY to share and won't be as tired.

Night Night

I hope you know what pain you put me through sleeping on my own tonight without my rabbit.

I admit, it's a bit strange.
But that damn rabbit has slept with me for going on 10 years.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thank You.

"Sometimes in life, you find a special friend. Someone who changes your life just by being a part of it. Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop. Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. This is forever friendship. When you're down and the world seems dark and empty, your forever friend lifts you up in spirit and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times and the confused times. If you turn and walk away, your forever friend follows. If you lose your way, your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. And if you find such a friend, you feel happy and complete because you need not worry. You have a forever friend, and forever has no end." 

I consider myself lucky.

Even though sometimes I wonder why I even talk to them :]


Friday, February 25, 2011

Surprise Surprise!

Other than the fact that I'm freezing and all day my one goal was to get through the day to get into my warm, EXTREMELY comfortable bed....I got nothing in the mail. AGAIN.

That's okay. I'm over it.

In other news.

The most magical of all wonderful things occurred today.

I FINALLY got an A on an AP English Literature essay.

"Very Nice Job Daisy!"

Freakin' Hamlet.
 good looking, ey?

oh goodness. the sun seemed to part and the sun shined right down on me.

Now I'm home & in bed.

Nap time? I think yes.
Tah Tah!


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tie My Shoes? Double Knot?

Most of you already know I have 4 rambunctious nephews.

Adam , Kevin, Brandon and Matthew

I've grown up with them in my life for as long as I can remember.
They fall somewhere short of my little brothers and little sons.

I've changed their diapers.

I've bathed them.

I've been thrown up on.

I've put them to bed at night

I've made them dinner.

I've wiped away their tears.

I've dealt with their tantrums.

Being the youngest of 3 older sisters definitely has it's interesting perks.
One of them being that for a couple hours out of the day I live the life of someone far older than myself.

"She's like their second mom!"

"Our personal nanny!"

not quite. but somwhere along those lines.

Aunt. FAVORITE Aunt will do. :]

Strangely, most of the time I don't mind it much at all.

I've grown so close to these boys that the thought of going off to school and moving away pulls at the strings of my heart even though I don't always admit it. 

I'll miss Brandon's smirks, Matthew's twinkly eyes, Kevin's laugh and Adam's hugs and kisses.

Who will  tell me "I missed you SOOOOO much Dai'!" when I see them like Adam?

We'll see when the time comes.
If and when I decide to take the leap and move away one thing is for sure:
"yes, We'll need 4 Web Cams please!"

On a random side note:

Kevin knocked on my door earlier.
(seeing as it is pretty much always locked) 
& asked me to tie his shoes.


Not the regular way.

"Tie my shoes? Double knot?"

How could I say no?



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Forbidden Temptation...

This has NOTHING to do with anything relative to the reasons why I set up this blog.

I did  warn ya' though, didn't I?

My thoughts are a bit loose.


It NEVER EVER fails. 

Late at night.
Getting ready for bed.
Lights are off. 
I walk into my room. 

The craving starts.

Fresh. Soft.Wheat Bread.
Peanut Butter.
Strawberry or Grape Jelly.
A nice cold glass of milk.

Why can't I crave this in the early morning to motivate me to get out of bed?
To crave it when it is OKAY TO EAT IT.


Damn Cravings Go Away!

but look at how happy they look....

with a growling stomach,

I don't need a parachute baby, if I got you....

NOTHING to report. 

I was not happy to check the mail today.


I sit in my room watching the clock, waiting for it to hit 3:30pm.

Race downstairs to 'discretely' go outside and check the mail.

Don't want people thinking I'm desperate.... *cough*

Could today FINALLY be the day?

I have to remind myself most universities warned me
I wouldn't recieve anything until April.

Still nothing.

Nada. Zip. ZERO.

HOWEVER,  La Salsa coupons came in the mail...that's something.

I guess I could stop checking.
On another note, I really like this song:

- D

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Acceptances? Nope.

POST # 1
I always said I would blog my way through  the last few months of high school and first couple years in college so here we go....

2 months and 22 days.
Personal Statement? CHECK! Community Service CHECK! Awards CHECK!

It's funny how for so long the idea of going off to college seemed foreign and light years away and now I find myself in the middle of it.

I never really truly thought the WAITING part would be the hardest but who knew?
Clicking that submit button was my way of throwing the dirt under the rug until acceptances came around until the dreams started. REJECTED.  What would I do if the school of my dreams accepted me and called me in for an interview and immediately rejected me when they realized I had lost my ability to speak!? What would happen if i slept through the deadline and now my acceptance was worth crap!?

What if?!

2 months and 22 days I've been waiting and tomorrow will be day 23.
I've been waiting and I suppose I can continue to do so.
After all, no letter is better than a rejection, right?

Let's not forget Cal State Fullerton.
Kudos to you for getting back to me first!

Enough Thank You's, more ACCEPTANCES!
